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Forest of Reading 2016: Maple Leaf Reads!

10685_918570478205232_1585254517955592879_nThe Maple Leaf International School Library is celebrating reading with its Forest of Reading Challenge 2016: Maple Leaf Reads! The Forest of Reading Challenge begins on the 1st of February and will end on the 8th of April 2016.

The Forest of Reading is an initiative of the Ontario Library Association, which aims at encouraging people of all ages and reading levels to read; and to have their say in whether these special themed books deserve a literary award. The Library at Maple Leaf is registered with the Ontario Library Association to officially run this program and our votes tallied along with those in Canada and other countries running the program.

The school’s library is throwing out the challenge to Maple Leaf’s Houses to read books from the Forest of Reading collection, say whether it should be nominated for an award and earn valuable points towards our houses for each nomination submitted. Further special prizes are going to be given to the persons in each age group who can read the most amount of books in the challenge period.

There are five main categories of books in the Forest of Reading collection for our various grade levels and staff. These are:-

Blue Spruce Grades JK-3

Silver Birch Grades 4-6

Red Maple Grades 7-8

White Pine Grades 9-12

Golden Oak Grade 12 & Teachers/Staff

Evergreen Grade 12 & Teachers/Staff

There are both fiction and non-fiction books in the various categories. In each fiction category there are many genres such as mysteries, historical fiction and realistic fiction. The Forest non-fiction books feature animals, music and the environment, to name just a few of the subjects covered.

Maple Leaf International School is a community of readers and we rise to the challenge of the Forest of Reading