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To work together with parents and staff in an effort to enhance the learning experience of Maple Leaf students by engaging in activities which support the school.

To thrive, every school needs active participation – from staff, students and parents. At Maple Leaf, we believe parental involvement makes an essential contribution to the School. Over the course of each year, we offer many rewarding opportunities in which parents may be willing to contribute their time, talent, energy, imagination and personal resources.

Members of the PTA meet regularly over the course of the school year to provide advice, support, and assistance in the on-going development of Maple Leaf and its various programs.

As we grow, we continue to want and need valuable help, guidance and support from our Maple Leaf families. As a vibrant school with a bright future, we want our parents to have continued input as to the scope of the programs, clubs and activities we offer.

Over the years, members of our PTA have had a great understanding of the philosophy and approach we strive for at Maple Leaf. They have always been extremely generous with their time and energy. They have been instrumental in the success of our annual events, clubs, activities, co-curricular programs and sports programs. They have volunteered numerous times to help in many ways both large and small.

We are hoping that a number of you may be willing to contribute your time, talent, energy, imagination and resources to be a part of Maple Leaf’s PTA.

Aims and Objectives

We aim to contribute to the development and improvement of all aspects of school life
– academic, moral values, sports, culture, Extra Curricular activities, equipment and
organization by:

  • Enabling good communication between students, parents, teachers, the principal,
    administration and the Board of Directors of the School
  • Helping to strengthen the relationship between the home and the School
  • Raising funds to enhance the School’s programs
  • Communicating a positive image of the School within our walls and to the wider  community

Membership, Executive and Contact Information

The PTA has a ten member executive which is elected at the annual meeting which is held in September.

The Executive Committee of the PTA for 2023-2024

  • President – Nisha Hoyte
  • Vice President – David Welch
  • Fundraising – Ainsley Rajkumar
  • Assistant Fundraising/Treasurer – Josanne Rodriquez
  • Secretary – Dominique Noel
  • Assistant Secretary – Reah Sookhai Doodnath
  • Communications/PR – Christine Sa Gomes
  • Grade Rep Chair – Zsa Jones
  • Assistant Grade Rep Chair – Stephanie Viera

If you wish to contact any member of our executive, please call the school and leave your phone number and we will arrange for that person to contact you. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected].

New members are always welcome.