Elementary School (Kindergarten – Gr 8)
A Happy Place, Engaged Learning
Every day, your child tries something new. They might perform a grammar rap and generate a device for remembering difficult rules, while discovering new ways to appreciate how language works. No matter what our students try their hands at, they get the chance to arrive at some new realization: that learning is fun, that it’s exciting to brainstorm and solve problems alongside their friends and teachers and that Maple Leaf – is a happy place.
In the Classroom
We believe children learn best when they’re active, stimulated and inspired. Take a tour of our school and you might see students reading textbooks, but more often, you’ll find them debating, collaborating, building and performing. Our teachers know that kids thrive when they’re engaged in process and when they’re producing work they can easily identify as important and relevant.
Ontario Curriculum:Elementary
A complete guide to the Ontario Curriculum: Elementary can be found here.